New Place, New Set Up

When I moved into my new place I was able to finally set up my stereo. I didn't bring any cds, all in storage. All I brought was my vinyl. One, it wouldn't do as well in storage as the cds; two, there are far less of them (200 v 2000); three, they are cooler. The sad thing is that since I didn't have the stereo set up at the house, I had limited access to listen to them. Now that I've moved I've decided to listen to everything. I started with Rush Moving Pictures . It seemed appropriate. The first tape I played in the first car I owned? Moving Pictures. I love this record. Side 1 is perfect. 'Tom Sawyer', 'Red Barchetta', 'YYZ', 'Limelight'. Done. Side two, I've come to love. 'The Camera Eye', the last 10+ minute Rush song, has always been my favorite on side 2. 'Witch Hunt' is a swirling mass of dark fire and 'Vital Signs' is a jagged attack from a shiny shark. The two songs oppose each other pe...