Overdue Thoughts on Game 7

Mickey Lolich never gets enough love Madinson Bumgarner’s World Series performance was legendary. Five innings of 2-hit relief work on two days rest after a complete game shutout? Amazing. I may not see a performance like that in the WS again in my life. His overall WS performance is Top 10 ALL time for a pitcher, maybe even top 5, but to call it the Best WS Pitching performance is absurd. I’m not going to list them all, but was Bumgarner’s WS better than Christy Mathewson (3 complete game shutouts in 6 days in 1905), or Bob Gibson (3 complete games & a home run in game 7 in 1967), or Mickey Lolich (3 complete games, including a game 7 victory over Gibson in 1968, you know the year he had a 1.12 ERA), I don’t think so. Yes, I know the game has changed (lower mound, not competing against the best players, etc), but it doesn’t distract from what those pitchers of the past were able to d...