The Idiot Box

The TV season starts up again. Thank god. The holiday break maybe be a bit too long but it splits the season up into two parts. That way you get two cliffhangers if you are lucky. Some of the shows I'm most looking forward to:

Leverage (tbs) - a great show. Lots of fun. There is a major cast change. Jeri Ryan joins the cast. Which means at least one episode will contain at least one Star Trek reference, if not an entire episode.

Castle - best chemistry on TV. Castle and Beckett are great. Here's hoping they never jump the shark with the two of them sleeping together.

American Idol - it starts with six car wrecks. Then a month of boring team singing and empty stages until you get to the final 12. That's when the fun starts.

Sanctuary (scifi) - because everyone needs to watch at least one bad show with substandard green screen graphics and lousy fake English accents.

The Big Bang Theory - the show that anyone with a shred of geekness needs to worship. Dr. Sheldon Cooper is the best character on TV. Jim Parsons was absolutely robbed at the Emmys this year.

Better Off Ted - yes, I started watching this show because it contains my name, but now its one of my favs. A quirky comedy about corporations run amok that breaks the fourth wall. Also, don't fast forward through the commercials, as one of them is usually a fake Veridian one.

The Venture Brothers (adult swim) - the best animated show currently on TV. David Bowie is the Sovereign of the Guild of Calamitous Intent, need I say more?

These, among others, are what I will be wasting many hours watching this season. Enjoy, I know I will.


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