The One

You really never know when it's going to happen. To find the one across all the multiverses that you always want to be with. The one you want to share your life with until the end of time.

For the unlucky, that person never crosses your path. For others, it happens right away. It's the first person you date.

For me, it took 45 years, but I found her. There were almosts, never-could-ofs and a few mehs, but there was only one person right for me.

You can tell by the way they do things to you. A smile that crumples your knees. A kiss that wakes you up. A small touch that sends electricity through you, like kissing 135 9-volt batteries at a time.

I knew from the start that I just wanted to lay my hand on the small of her back. I knew it would feel just right, that it would fit perfectly with her contours. [I would later be proven correct, it does.]

But I chickened out, and then I spent days kicking myself until the next time we went out. This time, there was no chicken, except sesame. There I was, stepping off the curb and meeting her in the parking lot with a kiss out of the blue.

Not only did I shock myself with my boldness, but I was shocked with the return of the kiss. That, and the lack of running away screaming on her part.

Have you ever been stunned into silence when your love opens the door and you see her for the first time that day? Or the reverse, when you open your door and see them for the first time and you forget to invite them in because you can't imagine why someone so beautiful would be standing at your door?

That's what my one does to me. She makes me laugh when I don't want to. She brings me light when I'm lost in the dark. She holds me tight when I'm lost. She makes me soup when I'm sick.

And all I want to do is keep her safe, to never let her down, to treat her like the queen she is and to hold her hand forever when we walk side by side. Now and forever.

She is the one. My lobster. My nacho panda. My marbles, and every other pet name I will invent for her over the course of our lives together.


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