Burning The Candle At Neither End

I realized today that part of the reason I haven't done much in my life is -not only do I have a fear of failing- I am extraordianary lazy.
I've taken vacations where I didn't leave the apartment or talk to anyone for 2 or 3 days. I've wasted days taking Middle Tennessee State to multiple national championships in PS2 Football. I've watched a complete season of Star Trek Deep Space 9 in a single day. I've played a full game of Civilization III in one sitting (and anyone who's played that game knows how long that it).
Its not that those days were completely wasted, I was able to try a hobby which works well with sitting around for hours. Candle making.
Put wax on heat. Wait. Pour melted wax into mold. Wait. Add more wax to heat. Wait. Pour more wax into mold. Wait. Repeat. Wait.
Candlemaking is a hobby made for lazy people. And people who like fire/melting things. That's a perfect 2-for-2 for me.
So, if you ever get a candle from me, know it was made while I was sitting on my butt watching TV, but it was made with love.


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