No Old Gary Either

Well, first things first. No might Boosh shirt for me. :(

Secondly I need to get out of my job. I'm just not having a good time anymore. Work shouldn't be all fun, but it shouldn't suck the life from you like a bad ST:TNG energy monster.

Sometime in the last 4 or 5 years the job started to change, and crap really hit the fan in the past 18 months. Home office doesn't listen to us (as if they ever did), but our district people don't listen either. Why should they? I mean, I've only worked at this store for the past 13 years, I think I know how our sales trend and that staying open until 9pm on fourth of july is a complete waste of time and payroll. Or that opening at 7 am on Black Friday was another payroll waster.

No, lets paint all stores in NC and TN with teh same brush and have everyone fall in line. There's a reason that our companys stock on Dow Jones high this year is just north of $4, I know its not my fault. We go through CEOs like the Raiders go through quarterbacks.

I need to get out of there and I need to make that a priority for the upcoming year.

But what can I do? That's the question I need to answer. How many jobs are looking for someone with 16 years of retail experience. I've never worked in an office, the closest I got was at a plumbing supply. That really can't count since jeans and a clean shirt was overdressing.

I tell myself that I can't work in an office because I don't want to wear a tie again, nine years of catholic school did more than just cure me of church, it made me hate ties. There's a reason ties and nooses work the same way, they drain the life from you.

I don't need to find the perfect job, which would be won that pays exceptionally well, allows me to wear jeans, sleep in and miss rush hour completely. That would be nice, I'll settle for 2 of those 4. Hell, if the pay is good enough I could do just about anything for a few years, except work for the UNC Basketball team.


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